Guilford County Criminal Defense DWI Attorneys Wish You A Happy Halloween!

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Guilford County Criminal Defense DWI Attorneys Wish You A Happy Halloween!

Guilford County Criminal Defense DWI Attorneys Wish You A Happy Halloween! Halloween is one of the best holidays of the year, with many activities around the city of Greensboro happening.

Both adults and children have fun things to do on Halloween night, so it’s important to be as safe as possible with all of the spooky activities you choose to partake in.

If you’ve been drinking at a party, remember that children may be out on the streets for trick-or-treating or other activities. If you know you’re going home after your party, do not put other lives in danger by drinking and driving. If you need information about driving while impaired, you can get help by contacting a Guilford County Criminal Defense DWI attorney today!

There are so many safe alternatives to drinking and driving. There’s the classic designated driver, who decides to focus on their spooky costume and indulge in all of the Halloween candy as opposed to drinking at the party. There’s also the well-known Uber and Lyft drivers, who are definitely willing to give you a safe ride home for a small price. Don’t let that small price discourage you from calling in a ride with them. That small price is nothing compared to the cost of a ticket for a DWI. Depending on how many aggravating factors there are, you could end up paying up to $10,000 in court costs and fines! Not to mention you will probably be losing your license.

Even if you have a completely clean record, your license can get taken upon arrest and not given back to you for months. It’s simply not worth risking the cost and your license just to avoid paying Uber. Do not risk your life or someone else’s life even if you think you feel okay to drive, the consequences simply are not worth it. Every Greensboro DWI attorney want you to have a fun and safe Halloween night!

If you need help with a DWI charge, feel free to reach out to a Guilford County criminal defense DWI attorney for more information. The Greensboro DWI lawyers at Garrett, Walker, Aycoth, and Olson know the requirements of the law and also genuinely care about each case presented to them. Call today at 336-397-0539; we are here to help!