greensboro assault on a female lawyer

Assault on a Female Lawyer Greensboro, NC

At Garrett, Walker, Aycoth & Olson, Attorneys at Law, our law firm is experienced at handling Assault on a Female charges of every sort. Whether it’s a made up situation to get you locked up because of a household disagreement or argument, or it happened and there’s video and photographic evidence of the injuries, our domestic assault team is here to help you. Be careful when turning yourself in on a domestic charge if you weren’t arrested at the scene because it could result in a domestic hold and you being unable to get out of jail until you go in front of a judge. We go over these situations and a host of others in the information below.

assault on a female lawyer

What do I do if I’ve been charged with Assault on a Female in Greensboro, NC?

Our recommendation is to call our Assault on a Female Lawyer in Greensboro as soon as possible. Our top rated assault lawyers can you help navigate the difficult waters of a domestic violence charge and we’ll be able to provide the advice you need to help you with your case.

What is a Domestic Hold in an Assault on a Female Case?

A domestic hold is intended to be cool down period in North Carolina, to allow for the tension to dissipate with the hope of preventing future anger or violence issues. The only dilemma is that a lot of times when law enforcement is called to the scene one spouse leaves the situation, police take out the warrant without them being present and then that spouse is stuck in a spot not knowing what the next step to take is.

A domestic hold is typically a 24 – 48 hour period until a first appearance. If you’ve been charged with any type of domestic violence related charge in Greensboro, NC, the magistrate will give you a domestic hold. This means you cannot bond out until you’ve gone in front of a Guilford County District Court Judge. At that bond hearing a judge will make the determination as to whether to set a bond, and how high that particular bond will be. Our Guilford County Assault on a Female Lawyer focuses on finding ways to get our clients reasonable bonds and even written promises to appear, so they wouldn’t have to pay a bond, after a domestic violence first appearance.

First step is have you been served with the Assault warrant for arrest?

If you’re at the scene and police take out charges, typically, you’ll be arrested right then and there, taken downtown and placed under a domestic violence hold for assault on a female. Our Greensboro assault lawyers see this happen quite frequently, and then we are hired to represent our clients at a first appearance. Sometimes though, the police don’t issue a warrant because they don’t see evidence of domestic violence but they advise the parties involved that they can issue their own warrants if they want to. If this is the case, the moment that the spouse has an assault on a female warrant issued in Guilford County, the Guilford County warrant squad will be sent out to find the person who has been charged and serve them with the warrant. That person, if they’re aware also would have the ability to turn themselves in if they’re aware of the warrant. We recommend consulting with our top rated assault lawyers as soon as you become aware of a domestic violence or assault on a female charge in Greensboro, NC.

What will my Bond be for an Assault on a Female Charge?

In Guilford County, North Carolina, our judicial district has a created bond guidelines to give us an idea of what type of bond you’ll receive once you go in front of a District Court Judge. For an A1 misdemeanor in Greensboro, NC, the guidelines are up to $2,000. However, these guidelines only serve as recommendations and a judge may very well set a far higher bond if they think the circumstances warrant it.

What is a Domestic Violence Electronic Monitor?

One of latest things are assault on a female lawyers are seeing is the implementation of electronic monitors on people charged with crimes of domestic violence. Caitlyn’s Courage is Guilford County, NC is the program which currently provides GPS monitoring of people charged with assault on a female and other domestic violence crimes. It’s important to be aware of this as a Greensboro Judge could every well put you on this monitor to keep track of your movements after you’re released.

What is a 50B?

50B’s are called 50B because of the statute they’re found in. In North Carolina, NCGS 50B establishes the process by which someone may receive a domestic violence protective order. It’s important to note, that a 50B is a totally separate process from an assault on a female charge. But be aware, that the family justice center may advise victims of domestic violence to seek a 50B if they’re afraid or do not want to have contact with their spouse / significant other until the case is resolved or at least until some cool down period has taken place. Our domestic violence lawyers understand the nuances of 50B’s and protective orders and you can find out more about them here:


After I’ve been arrested and served with assault on a female charges, what happens next?

The next step is actual court. In Guilford County, NC, the District Attorneys’ Office does not dismiss domestic violence charges. A lot of spouses decide to write affidavits, which are notarized statements pertaining to the situation and what happened. Even if the person writes an affidavit stating it didn’t happen, in Greensboro, NC the District Attorneys’ Office will not dismiss the charge. Instead, they’ll require that we set the case for trial and a judge can then decide what happens.


With an Assault on a Female charge, will I need to be in court?

Typically, court cases are continued from month to month as we line up witnesses and other evidence in your case. You will eventually need to come to court but that will probably not be for a number of months after you’ve been charged and served with assault on a female. Our Greensboro criminal lawyer focuses on lining up the details necessary to put your case in the best situation possible. The moment we set your case for trial you will need to be in court, unless our assault lawyer in Greensboro feels it would be better for you to come to court at an earlier point in time. There are times where the District Attorneys’ Office will require your presence in court on various court dates and we will keep you aware of this as well.

What happens if the witness doesn’t show up for my Assault on a Female case?

The first question would be were they subpoenaed to be in court? Witnesses or Victims in cases do not need to be present unless they’re subpoenaed to be in court. We hear the comment a lot where the victim doesn’t show up for a court date or a first appearance so that means they aren’t coming. It may be true, but it’s important not to look too into it as they don’t have to be in court nor are they typically notified unless it’s set for trial. Our Greensboro criminal defense lawyers try our best to make clients aware of this so that way they don’t assume too much when it comes to a prospective witness or victim not showing for a court date.

If I’m convicted of assault on a female or I enter a plea of guilty am I looking at jail time?

assault on a female lawyer greensboro nc

We prepared the chart above to help you understand sentencing for misdemeanor assault on a female charges in North Carolina. Assault on a female is a Class A1 Misdemeanor, which is the highest level misdemeanor in North Carolina and it is the top row of the chart above labeled “A1”. The North Carolina misdemeanor sentencing chart functions on the basis of prior convictions which determines your record level for misdemeanor sentencing purposes. If you are a first offender, with no prior convictions, then you would sentenced in the first column labeled with Roman numeral “I” and be facing up to 60 days in jail if convicted of assault on a female in North Carolina. If you’re a level 2 for misdemeanor sentencing purposes, this is the middle column above, which means you have between 1 prior conviction up to 4 prior convictions, you’re facing up to 75 days in jail. If you’re a level 3 for misdemeanor sentencing purposes, which means you have 5+ prior conviction dates, you can receive up to 150 days in jail. These are alarming numbers, but it is important to note that with any misdemeanor conviction you can also receive probation and there’s a number of possible outcomes that keep you free.

This is why it’s vital to speak with our Guilford County Assault on a female lawyers today, so we can provide you sound advice, walk you through the process and protect your rights so you can get back to living your life and allow us to handle the burden of court and the stress that comes with having pending criminal charges. We’re here for you.

I’m guilty of Assault on a Female, and I confessed to the police, what do you think they’ll do to me?

It all depends on a number of factors connected to your case. The opinion of the victim, the number of previous assaults, is the victim coming to court, etc. Our top rated assault lawyers work very hard to find a way to protect you and your freedom when you’re facing the prospect of jail time. One of the recommendations we can make is that you be able to complete the Domestic Violence Intervention Program in lieu of any jail time. Known as DVIP for short, it’s a set of classes that allows for you to learn about domestic violence and something the Guilford County court system holds in a high regard for helping to prevent future domestic assaults. In Guilford County the judge has the final say on what happens to you and with your case. That’s why it’s important to have an experienced assault lawyer on your side to be able to push your case in direction you’d want to go.

If I receive probation for an assault on a female, how long will it be?

Typically, if you receive probation, it will be for a length of time necessary to complete the Domestic Violence Intervention Program, which is about a year. Some judges will give 12 months probation, others will give 18 months of supervised probation. But every case is different, nothing on this page is guaranteed, and that’s why it’s advisable to speak with a top rated assault attorney today


According to Weekly Crime Statistics provided by the Greensboro Police department every week; Domestic Violence, Assault on a Female and related charges are up as of August 2022.

Domestic Violence
North Carolina
Offense Against Family


Simple Assault


Aggravated Assault Domestic






This is why you should contact our  – Guilford County & Randolph County – Greensboro, High Point & Asheboro Lawyers to help with your Assault on a Female Charges.

Call us at (336) 379-0539  to schedule a free, in-depth consultation with our experienced lawyers.

Greensboro Assault on a Female Lawyer Google Reviews:

Karen Williams
13:49 09 Jun 22
If you find yourself in need of an attorney I would highly recommend Hilary Hux! She and her entire team (Casey Robinson, Kristen Reese) were an absolute pleasure to work with from start to finish. They were always very attentive to my needs and always responded to any question or concern I had in a timely manner. The sincerity they displayed while handling my divorce case made a difficult time in my life more bearable knowing I had them on my side. Simply put they are a genuine group of people that do the absolute best job they can for their clients and words can't express how thankful I am to have had the experience to work with them.
Natasha Leake
19:07 02 May 22
Jason Aycoth and his team were so diligent in assisting my family with our legal issues. Communication was never lacking and they were always readily available to assist my family no matter what the need was. Not only was he very professional every time we spoke, he was also friendly and personable. I will be recommending Jason Aycoth to anyone I know is in need of legal services.
John Morris
12:59 26 Apr 22
Martha Massie is a fantastic lawyer. Her knowledge of the law, her thoroughness and attention to detail are superior. Most importantly, she cares about her clients which can clearly be seen by her hard work. I highly recommend Martha!
candace james
17:57 19 Apr 22
Chad Garrett is one amazing lawyer. He is very professional, charismatic, and gets things done no matter what. He has helped me time after time and is always in a pleasant disposition. So thankful to have met him and to have him on my side. Thank you Mr. Garrett.
Bill Dawkins
15:02 06 Mar 22
Casey Robinson worked with my wife and I making a name change for our grandson. Her knowledge and ability made the task easy to complete. We would recommend her services and call on her again if needed.
Charlie Gardener
21:26 03 Jan 22
I had a situation that needed to be resolved expeditiously. I call Jason Aycoth. He resolved the issue quickly. He treated me with the utmost care and respect. Everyone I spoke to in his office was courteous. I have attempted to get this matter resolved through other attorneys in the area. None came close to the experience I had with Jason and his team. I highly recommend you taking the time to hire Jason Aycoth. Jason my family and I are grateful for you! We send you the highest regards.
Sarah S
00:49 23 Nov 21
I was involved in an altercation that would forever change my life. I was referred to Jason Aycoth for help. Help wasn't all I received. Jason discussed my case with the DA. Together after reviewing my case, they took my personal record and military record into consideration. Next, a miracle was presented. Jason and the DA gave me a path to resolving my case and a path to clear my record. I've never had to use an attorney in this capacity but, rest assured, Jason Aycoth and his team earned a 5 star rating from me. I fully endorse and recommend him to any potential clients.
Sam Walker
16:12 29 Sep 21
Excellent staff! Very knowledgeable in family and personal injury. Would highly recommend to anyone!

Client Review

“Jason Aycoth is the best lawyer in the city! The treat you like family and truly have your best interest! If you need anything this is the place to go! I highly recommend them! Best Greensboro criminal defense lawyers!⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️”                              July 19, 2022

Marvin W.
Client Review  5 / 5 Stars