How Can You Get Your North Carolina License Back?

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How Can You Get Your North Carolina License Back?

 Contact the best Greensboro criminal attorneys, who may ask you question regarding why your license was revoked.

If you need help getting your license back, one of the issues may be a prior DWI conviction that has not been completely satisfied.

 If you have a prior DWI conviction, more often than not your license may still be revoked because they have not completed the substance abuse assessment sanction imposed by the DMV.  So, we need a basic understanding of what it means to actually comply with the DMV requirements beyond the parameters of the district court judgment.  Some of the most complex matters an attorney will ever deal with involves the complexities of DWI license revocations, particularly if the license is out-of-state, or you have convictions from years or decades past.

The first question is “how much?” Currently, an assessment is $100, a fee set by statute. Most providers will also charge to obtain a NC DMV history at the initial consultation, which generally takes about an hour or an hour and a half.  You need a DWI citation, BAC report, and, if applicable, an out-of-state driving record with them.  Assessments expire within 6 months.  The treatment must begin within six months, but it does not have to be completed. Otherwise a new assessment is required. Never forget that every DWI conviction requires an assessment and treatment, including Level 1s, 2s, Habitual DWIs, and even separate assessments and treatments for multiple DWI convictions during the same court session. Most people are referred to ADETS (which is considered education), but refusals, BACs above .14, and most prior offenders receive actual treatment recommendations.

If you finished treatment, but never received credit, then the assessment agent may have never sent in the completion form to the DMV.

The form that the DMV needs to release the stop on your license, called a 508 R, must be sent directly to the DMV from the treatment provider. Which is why it is always a good idea to make sure the assessor you use is reputable, who will still be in business years from now. It takes 3-10 business days from the receipt of the 508 R form to clear the stop on a license.

If you have a question about how to get your North Carolina license back, contact the top rated DWI lawyers at Garrett, Walker, Aycoth and Olson at 336-379-0539. We are here to help!