greensboro personal injury lawyer

Injury Lawyer updates Drowned Teen Case

In Personal Injury by Greensboro Attorney

Greensboro Personal Injury Lawyer

Around 6:30 PM yesterday law enforcement was called to the scene of a teen drowning. The teens were swimming near a rocky area when one of the teens called for help and went under. A friend of the attempted to save him and was unable to do so.

Our Greensboro personal injury lawyer reports that 911 was called and law enforcement began a thorough search of the lake and roughly 4 hours later they found the teen’s body.

Our Greensboro attorney reports that the teen was only 19-years-old. His information is yet to be released because they have not been able to contact his next of kind. Our Greensboro family law attorney sends up their thoughts and prayers for his family and friends, an also this young man who lost his life.