greensboro criminal lawyer

John Neville’s Death leads to Felony Charges

In Criminal, Personal Injury by Greensboro Attorney

Greensboro Criminal Lawyer

Mr. John Neville was in the custody of the Forsyth County Jail, December 2019, the he died. Six months later after a thorough investigation 6 detention officers were charged with involuntary manslaughter for his death according to a Greensboro criminal lawyer.

Originally officials said Mr. Neville fell from his bunk with an unknown medical condition and he was moved to an observation cell for monitoring. 45 minutes later he died according to a Greensboro personal injury lawyer.

Detention officers had on body worn cameras during the incident.

What appeared to happen was Mr. Neville was saying he can’t breath as they were attempting to remove his handcuffs. The district attorney’s office has said that during this 45 minute period was when he suffered the personal injuries that later led to his death according to a Greensboro wrongful death lawyer.

It would appear it’s a very similar situation to what is on trial currently in the George Floyd case.

It will be interesting to see how that case develops because it may very well have an impact on this case in North Carolina. Our Greensboro attorney sends out their thoughts and prayers to Mr. Neville’s family during this time. Though it’s been some time, we know the pain still continues.

Take care.