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Multi-Vehicle Accident Kills 1 per Lawyer Near Me

In Personal Injury by Greensboro Attorney

Lawyer Near Me

A lawyer near me has advised that one person was killed and two were injured in a multi-vehicle car accident. Our car accident lawyer was advised that a vehicle driving east on the interstate when it ran off the road and crashed into a median. The car went through the median and into oncoming traffic.

Our Greensboro lawyer reports that once on the other side of the road, it sideswiped a truck and a van before crashed into a BMW head-on. Our top rated Greensboro lawyer was advised that the driver of the vehicle that ran through the median died in the car accident.

The BMW caught fire and the driver managed to escape.

Multiple people were treated for personal injuries according to a top rated Greensboro personal injury lawyer.

Our family lawyer in Greensboro sends out their thoughts and prayers for all who were involved in this car accident. Stay Safe Greensboro!