speeding ticket lawyer

Speeding Ticket Lawyer updates New Patrols

In Traffic by Greensboro Attorney

Speeding Ticket Lawyer

Our Greensboro speeding ticket lawyer received word of a new initiative by the Guilford County Sheriff’s Department to patrol business 85 in Greensboro. Sheriff Danny Rogers, said local residents and people traveling through Guilford County should expect there to be far more patrols than ever before.

Our Guilford County traffic ticket attorney has been advised that the focus is on keeping Guilford County residents safe. Currently, there’s more than 40,000 people in Guilford County driving without a driver’s license. Also, the sheriff’s office reports that there are number of people who don’t have something right with their vehicle or license, that also have criminal arrest warrants.

Sheriff Rogers advised that he didn’t want people getting upset with his deputies as they are just doing their duty.

Our Greensboro attorney has been advised that there’s about to be far more stops on the interstate and to travel slowly through Greensboro.

The Greensboro courthouse is going to be ready for an increase in traffic ticket cases.