The Positive Side of Divorce

In Family by GWAO

Experts point to many factors that can cause marriages in our country to fail.  Perhaps the most frequently blamed factor is family finances.  Families without access to money and upward mobility are clearly more likely to struggle, putting stress on their marriages.  Job loss and unexpected debt can put a damper on even a blissful marriage, causing many couples to go separate ways.


Whatever the root cause, those couples who want a divorce, but lack the resources or ability to seek one are more likely to face infidelity, drug use, their child’s poor performance in school, and even domestic violence.  One academic found that dismissed divorce cases can have the same effect on children as an actual divorce, leading the study to conclude that the real problem is the factors that lead to the divorce, not the marriage dissolution itself.


Click here to read more In Defense of Divorce.

Divorce is not the answer for happy marriages.  But if you find yourself in an unhappy marriage, don’t stay and suffer.  Our Family Law Team is here to help.  Our Divorce Lawyers can guide you through the process to make it as easy as possible.  If you’re considering divorce, call us today:  379-0539!