Traffic ticket attorney in Greensboro Accidents

In Criminal, Personal Injury by GWAO

Greensboro law firm

There were 83 Reported Car Accidents between 1:30 PM Tuesday and 8:45 AM this morning per our law firm in Greensboro, NC. The spokeswoman for the Greensboro Police Department said she cannot confirm that the accidents were weather related according to a personal injury lawyer.

Of the 83 Car Accidents, 73 had Property Damage to Vehicles and 10 Accidents resulted in Personal Injuries.

In High Point, there were only 27 Car Accidents with only one Accident resulting in Personal Injury per a personal injury lawyer”. Guilford County had over 110 Car Accidents as a result of yesterday’s storm system according to a personal injury lawyer near me.

Contact our Lawyers if you have received a Speeding Ticket, Accident Related Citation or Suffered Personal Injury as a result of yesterday’s weather.