greensboro lawyer

Trafficking Quantity of Cocaine Washes Ashore per Lawyer

In Criminal, Personal Injury by Greensboro Attorney

Greensboro Lawyer

There’s nothing like a day on the beach, especially when $1.5 million worth of cocaine washes ashore.

65 pounds of drugs were then brought to US Customs. Apparently, according to a Greensboro criminal lawyer this isn’t an unusual amount of drugs to wash ashore but it sure sounds like a lot. In 2020 alone, 58,000 pounds of cocaine were seized.

Just the other day, US Customs seized $4 million worth of Meth stashed in pickles. Our Greensboro drug trafficking lawyer was advised that no arrests have been made with reference to the drugs that washed ashore, but they are investigating where they could have come from. Our Greensboro attorney will continue to keep you updated on the status of these drug trafficking seizures.