greensboro attorney

Trucker Charged with Hit & Run and Reckless Driving

In Criminal, Personal Injury by Greensboro Attorney

Greensboro Attorney

It all started, with a report that a tractor-trailer driver was driving recklessly on I-40. A number of people saw the truck and it’s movements and our Greensboro traffic ticket lawyer was advised that this led a number of NC State Highway Patrolman moving into the area. Troopers tried to stop the 28 year old driver, however, law enforcement said the driver drove away from them.

Law enforcement said they chased the driver all over town. Our Greensboro attorney was advised that the driver took at exit in Guilford County but then crashed into a ditch. Our Greensboro criminal lawyer was advised that the man attempted to run and was caught. The driver was charged with felony flee to elude, driving while impaired DWI, reckless driving, hit & run and a number of other traffic tickets.

Our top rated lawyer in Greensboro was advised that the man received a bond for this situation. Fortunately, no one was injured and there was not a 18 wheeler accident as result of this situation.