greensboro trucking accident lawyer

Trucking Accident Spills Tons of Beer per Lawyer

In Personal Injury by Greensboro Attorney

Trucking Accident Lawyer

Around 4:30 PM, a pickup truck, a passenger vehicle and two tractor-trailers were involved in a horrific trucking accident. Our Greensboro trucking accident lawyer was advised that the accident caused one of the tractor-trailers to overturn and dump 40,000 pounds of beer across the interstate.

Depending on your beer preference that could be a good thing to a bad thing, as it was 40,000 pounds of Bud Light that spilled across the roadway.

Our Greensboro personal injury attorney is still working to find out exactly who was injured as a result of this massive car accident.

The interstate has continued to be blocked and traffic is backed up as they clean up the spill according to a Greensboro attorney. If you have a straw and are interested they very well could use your help in getting the beer off of the interstate.