Waitress Saves Child From Abuse per Attorney

In Criminal by Greensboro Attorney

Attorney in Greensboro

An observant waitress saved a child from abusive parents according to a local law enforcement. Her first warning side if the father wouldn’t allow the 11-year-old boy to order food or water while the rest of the family ordered their meals.

An attorney in Greensboro at our law firm was told the waitress started looking closely from there.

She saw the boy had a scratch on his forehead and bruising around his eyes.

The waitress stood in a spot where the adults couldn’t see and asked the boy if he needed help.

The boy signaled, ‘yes’ and the waitress called the police. In what was a sad turn of events, police found that the child was malnourished, 20 lbs underweight, and his body was covered in bruises.

The child informed police that for Christmas he was told that Santa said he needed to be tortured and handcuffed to a furniture dolly with his hands behind his back according to a Greensboro criminal attorney. The waitress truly saved this child and it’s an important reminder to be observant you may not only be saving a child from abuse you may just save their lives.

The mother and father were both arrested on charges of aggravated child abuse and neglect of a child according to our family law lawyers in Greensboro. Our Greensboro attorney is happy to hear they’re working to find him somewhere safe for a new beginning. Here’s to 2021, this incredible waitress and an 11-year-boy who we hope has a fresh start on life.