Who can you talk to about a Greensboro Car Crash Case?

In Personal Injury by GWAO


Wisconsin car crash lawyersImagine you are injured in a Greensboro car crash caused by a driver violating the Rules of the Road.  Imagine next that you call a personal injury law firm.

Who do you get to talk to about your crash?  An assistant, a paralegal, or a lawyer in practice a year or so?  With most North Carolina personal injury law firms, you don’t get to talk to the people in charge (e.g. lawyers you see or hear about on T.V.), but at Garrett, Walker, Aycoth, and Olson, we believe in better.


Everyone wrongly injured by another has the right to talk to the lead lawyers at the firm.  If you are not given that chance, hang up immediately and call us.  If you do, you will to talk a lawyer who’s been voted a “Rising Star” in his profession by his peers in a survey done by Thompson Reuters.

Not only will that lawyer talk to you when you call, but they will personally meet you so you can choose a lawyer you trust, who will protect you, and who will give you peace of mind.

Contact our Greensboro Car Accident Lawyers today if you or someone you know has been involved in a car accident or suffered a personal injury in Greensboro, High Point or Asheboro.