Why Should You Hire A Randolph Speeding Ticket Attorney?

In Traffic by Greensboro Attorney

Why should you hire a Randolph speeding ticket attorney?

To save money!

You may wonder what good it will do you to hire a speeding ticket attorney in some cases. Wouldn’t it be better to just pay the fine or ticket you were given? This is not true. Unfortunately, many people pay the ticket without thinking twice about hiring an attorney. The truth is that even though you may have to pay an attorney for their services, the amount you pay them can oftentimes be less than the ticket you were given in the first place. For more information about costs of Randolph speeding ticket attorneys please contact us today for more information!


For example, a speeding ticket can be more costly than you realize. A speeding ticket that was reduced to improper equipment will likely still cost you somewhere around $300 after court costs and other fines are applied. Most people would just pay the $300 without consulting an attorney, but this is a mistake because an attorney may realize something that you missed, which could save you more money in the long-run. The law has very specific requirements, and traffic ticket lawyers can analyze your situation to make sure that it fits the specific parameter of the law. Even if one element is missing, you may not have to pay, or you may pay at a reduced cost. The point to be made is that you should at least consult an attorney before ever paying anything. You may be pleasantly surprised to know that there is a better solution for you, and that the long-term benefits of hiring a Randolph speeding ticket attorney are worth the cost.

You should not hesitate to contact a Randolph speeding ticket attorney, even if the concern is “as small” as a speeding or traffic ticket. If you feel as if something is unjust, or handled poorly, do not simply settle and bear the consequences until you are sure that all of your options have been exhausted.

The speeding ticket attorneys at Garrett, Walker, Aycoth and Olson know the requirements of the law and also genuinely care about each and every case presented by their clients. Call at 336-379-0539 today; we are here to help!